Post 4 : Time travel to the past or future

Hi bloggers : Our last post today is about time travelling If I could do it, I'd like to travel to the 60's when revolutionary things were arising : women's rights, rock music, contraceptive pills, equal rights to the Blacks, the appearnace of TV, etc. I'd like to go to France or the UK to see those movements in action, but I wouldn't like to stay there for very long, since I think I couldn't tolerate the lack of medicinesand technology, the extreme male chauvinism that existed at that time among other things.
What about you? Where would you like to go? Why? What time in the future? Would you like to stay there? Why/Why not? Upload pictures Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts + a comment on your teacher's post Word Count: 220 words


  1. the 60's seems a quite fun time to travel, yet I would've hate all the sexism and misogyny. There's been a lot of changes till this day, but that's a problem that keeps present

  2. The 60's were a time of revolutionary changes, the rock and artistic movements of those years were wonderful.

  3. The 60's sound entertaining, but if I had to choose to travel back in time I think I would choose the 80's :)

  4. The 60's are seen as a very interesting time, it would surely be incredible to be able to experience so many important changes

  5. Its a difficult decision, but I think I choose the past (50´s) I love the fashion in this epoch

  6. I would take the opportunity to explore the diverse cultural and social changes happening during this period, incluing the rise of feminis, newer art forms and self discovery.

  7. Hi, it is interesting to witness how something changes society.

  8. I agree, I would like to travel to the past, but not stay there for too long.

  9. It is a good idea to travel to the past to witness historical events.

  10. I love the 60´s! It was a really interesting time.

  11. I would like to travel to the 60s too!!

  12. I would like travel to the 60s todo, bacause i think that period are very interesting.

  13. The 60s is a nice time, i like travel on this time too

  14. the 60's seems like a nice time to travel, although I don't think I'd enjoy either the misogyny that took place.


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